How to Update Old Blog Posts Mini-Course

How to Update Old Blog Posts - Free Webinar Series

Are you exhausting yourself churning out new content for your blog? Do you spend so much time creating new content that you barely have time for social promotion and your email list? You are working harder than you need to! In a fraction of the time it takes to create a new post, you can update an old blog post.

If you have been blogging for a couple years, you are sitting on a wealth of content. Instead of constantly creating new content, you can mine your old posts for gems that you can easily update and then reshare with your readers. In fact, some of our most original ideas are from our early days of blogging, but we don’t promote those posts because we look back and are embarrassed by some of the newbie mistakes we made. Let me show you how to quickly update those old posts.

In the first video, I share my simple guide for choosing specific posts to update based on which ones have the greatest chance of bringing you traffic and increasing your income. I also share the format I use to quickly update those posts while optimizing them for SEO.

In the second video, I will show you tricks for updating old images when you don’t have time to stage and take new photographs. I will actually take you through step-by-step what I do to make those old photographs usable in your updated posts.

Finally, in the third video, I share tips for monetizing your old posts with ads and affiliate links. I share types of ads to use in your posts to increase your ad income. I also share where to place affiliate links to increase your click-through rate.

How to Update Old Blog Posts Mini-Course

Session 1: How, When, and Why to Update Old Blog Posts

Session 2: Tricks for Updating Old Images

Session 3: How to Monetize Old Blog Posts

The Free Mini-Course: How to Update Old Blog Posts Video Course also contains free printable checklists and guides.

How to Monetize Old Blog Posts, images, and monetize old blog posts

If you would like access to the printables and would like access to the videos, then sign up for the Free How to Update Old Blog Posts Video Course.


Strategies for Navigating the Changes on Pinterest

There have been some changes recently to Pinterest’s feed and on Pinterest mobile. While many bloggers are worried about the new algorithm and the changes on Pinterest mobile, in the below video I am sharing some positive things that I see in these feed adjustments and some strategies you can use to increase engagement on your pins. I am also sharing tips for reinvigorating your personal boards if you have neglected them in favor of group boards in the past.

Strategies Bloggers can use to deal with the Changes on Pinterest.  Tips for increasing engagement on pins and reviving your personal boards.

At the bottom of this post are two screen shares. The first one walks you through how to find top performing boards using Tailwind and the second one walks you through how to loop a board using the looping feature on BoardBooster.

Strategies for Navigating the Changes on Pinterest

Links mentioned in the video:

How to Find Pins with High Click-Through Rate in Pinterest Analytics:

To find your pins that people are clicking on the most, go to Pinterest Analytics .

To the right of “Your Pinterest Profile”, click “More”, then click on “Clicks”. You will see your top 5 most clicked on pins. If you click the “show more” button you will see many other top performing pins.

If you don’t have very many pins that lead back to your posts in your top clicked pins, then hover over the “Analytics” button in the top left corner, scroll down and click on “Website”, then click on “Clicks”. You will see the top 5 most clicked on pins from other pinners. If you click the “show more” button you will see many other top performing pins from your website.

Choose a few of these top performing pins, to manually repin to your top performing boards a couple times a day.

How to Find Top Performing Boards Using Tailwind:

While many bloggers use Tailwind to schedule pins, it has other great tools including Board Insights. In the below screen share, I walk you through the process of using this feature to analyze board performance. If you don’t have a Tailwind account, you can try it for free here (referral link).

How to Set Up Looping on BoardBooster:

The looping function on BoardBooster allows you to repin older pins from a Pinterest board back to the top of the same board. Looping Boards is a great way to reinvigorate dead boards. I use it for boards that I don’t pin to very frequently or to get a seasonal board moving again after neglecting it for most of the year. If you do not have a BoardBooster account, you can try it for free here (referral link).

Strategic Blogging for Traditional Bloggers

I share many more Social Media Strategies in the Strategic Blogging Course. Below is information about 4 of the 12 modules in the Strategic Blogging Course where I share tips for growing, monetizing, and increasing engagement across your social media channels.

Module 3 – Increasing Social Media Engagement

In module 3 we will discuss ways to increase engagement on your social media channels, how to create pins that drive traffic to your site, how to use Twitter to attract brands, ways to use Facebook even when it isn’t bringing you a lot of traffic, why you should use Instagram, and more.

Module 7 – Sponsored Content on Social Media

In module 7 we cover ways to monetize your social media channels, types of sponsored content available to bloggers on social media channels, where to find social media work, and best practices for paid work on social media.

Module 8 – Growing Your Social Media Platform

In module 8 we cover authentic ways to increase your following on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Module 10 – Blog & Time Management Techniques

In module 10 we cover creating a long-term editorial calendar and how to develop a plan for updating old posts, but we also explore scheduling tools, discuss what to automate, and present ways to recycle content to maximize its use across your platform.

You can find out more information about the Strategic Blogging Course here.